Beginner to Advanced Isadora Duncan Dance Class and Performing Group
Thursday, Feb. 28, 3:40 to 4:55
"Every wave of life then flows in the fullness of love, in the fullness of divine glory, in the fullness of grace, in bliss and peace." MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI
“The Dance is love, it is only love, it alone, and that is enough... I, then, it is amorously that I dance: to poems, to music but now I would like to no longer dance to anything but the rhythm of my soul.”
Water & Snack: Organic kefir, oranges, apples, trail mix
Theme: "Love & Friendship"
"Find Your Space"
Moment of Silence, Opening & Closing of Eyes, Breath Work, Imagery,
"Name Gestures" Expressing Self thru gesture
"Rising and Reclining" Two Methods
"Name Dances" Expressing Self thru gesture Poem & Dance
"Wings of the Dove"
Choreography by Rebecca (performed by The DDC at the Ia. State Capital, '01, in defense of the Doves) MUSIC: "Wings of Song" Mendelson
"Free Dance- Love is a Song, Age of Not Believing"
MUSIC: Disney
"Rope Skip"
Classroom Technique, across the floor, Working in Pairs & Solos, MUSIC: Bach
"Rope Dances"
Creating Dances, Working in Pairs, MUSIC: Bach
"Free Dance & Darts in Pairs"
Across the Floor Work
MUSIC: Anitra's Dance, by Grieg, Created for a Sultan's daughter
Gathering Flowers with Others, in train, weaving
Choreography by Jeanne Bresciani
"Partner Leading or Walk w/ Gestures"
Greeting, Leading & Parting
Classroom Technique, across the floor, Working in Pairs MUSIC: Pachebel
"Calling Waltz"
Calling Others out to Play, Making Friends Gracefully
Class Technique: Learning Musical Phrasing, Working w/ Others
MUSIC: Schumann
"Dance Inspirations- Heart Box"
Creating & Sharing Individual Dances using Nature Items, etc
"The Eagle": Lift & Expansion of Body thru Breath & from the Solar Plexus,
Integrating Breath with Movement; Rising & Dropping, Running, Using Arms as Wings,
"Free Flight": Using Arms & Weight of Body to Turn & Move thru Space & experience Gravity,"Eagle Pairs": working with partner, dancing, coming together, holding hands and spinning, like 2 eagles flying, coming together & clasping talons, to find balance & weight distribution
MUSIC: by Roland Hanneman Nature Sounds & Music
"Slow Movements"
Classroom Technique, in circle, Gestures to Self, Others, Earth, World, Universe MUSIC: Mozart
"Leaps: Overhead, Open Heart, Light, Mini"
Class Technique, Across the Floor Work
MUSIC: Assorted
"Story book- Persephone"
Greek myth about Love & Winter
Water & Treats: Organic jelly beans, Nuts
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